Tuesday, December 13, 2016

WTF, computer?

Good lord, computer.  I had this whole, deep blog post written and ready to go.  Then, you decide to update, and it's gone.  My whole 15 minutes of hardwork down the proverbial drain.  

But that's my life in a nutshell.  Because, well...

I am single.

I am a mom.

Nothing has worked out the way I planned, and it probably won't for quite some time.

So what am I doing here?  My therapist and her lofty ideas #inserteyerollhere.

I don't really know what this blog is going to look like. However, it should be a fun and entertaining journey.  I have a two year old after all.

Get ready for some goofy pictures, recipes, quotes (gag...but a therapist order), and, hell, maybe even an actual blog post that isn't like a picture book suited for my son. 

Should be fun.  I need more wine.

Christmas 2016.  Max really is the best.