Sunday, January 1, 2017

Judy is giddy. Buddy is stunned.

Tonight my faith in patience and love was restored.  My best friend's aunt married her high school sweetheart tonight after losing touch years ago.  They are in their 70s.  Something Christy's (the best friend) dad said while officiating the ceremony has stuck with me..."Stories like these [the newlyweds] reminds us the world turns.  It may not be on our timetable.  But it turns."

So simple.  So true. Why is it so hard to remember that sometimes?

Patience is something I find extremely difficult.  Patience with others.  Patience with myself.  PATIENCE WITH MYSELF.  I don't have to have it all figured out.  I don't have to have a plan for EVERYTHING.  

I need to be able to forgive myself and move on.  

I need more self love.  

364 days of self love.  You ready?

Follow me here.  Follow me on Facebook.  Follow me on Instagram.  It will be a fun year.  Let's see where we come out in the end.  

Welcome to the year of Nicole dating herself.

The happy couple, Judy and Buddy

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